My daughters rescued 3 kittens that were about 2 to 3-weeks-old that
a person was tossing them into the street. We found a caring home
for two and had one left which we kept.
We have previously
adopted many unwanted pets and had found homes for those we could
not keep. However, we have a house full of animals and are a bit I said no cats. Besides that, our 7-year-old
dog, Kaylee, has never made friends with our one cat. Kaylee was
a rescue at 6 weeks of age. That was Friday afternoon.
On Friday night a kitten snuck into our home after a neighbor
realized how much work this little one was. After spotting the
kitten my kids bought some
formula - #Ad - and a real baby bottle (not knowing
any better) and by Saturday morning we were reluctant foster
parents, with the kitten encamped in the kids' room.
Knowing that this was not a long term solution, I decided that
the kitten and the dog had to meet, lest we live in constant fear
of the kitten (now named Boo) being eaten and that mistrust
develope between the two.
Well, it turned out that Kaylee recognized the kitten as a baby
cat and fell in love with her. Within a few minutes Kaylee
cleaned the kitten's privates, and allowed the now happy
kitty to nurse. By Sunday Kaylee was lactating and by Monday her
breasts were swollen with milk.
The kitten's condition improved dramatically. On Saturday
morning Boo had
diarrhea and a tiny amount of
blood around its rectum (but not in stool, when it pooped). After
nursing, Boo's stool was loose but was no longer diarrhea.
There was no longer any blood either.
We took the kitten to the vet on Monday since Boo brought in some
fleas.Our vet treated both dog and cat
with a yellow wormer medicine and gave us
Flea & Tick Shampoo, 12ozfor Boo - #Ad. He was not too
supportive of Kaylee nursing Boo. He had little into to back up
his idea that it was wrong, though he did say that he could not
rule out future problems for Kaylee and asked whether I would
feed my baby dog milk.
Kaylee and Boo are still playing mom and daughter with dog/kitty
nursing twice a day, at 11 am and then again in the late evening.
The rest of the day Boo gets formula from a tiny bottle. It has
been two weeks and all is well. If anything this has been
wonderful for Kaylee, since she never had pups and is now getting
to be a mommy.
what is interesting also is that the kitten is a bit of a
bully and beats up Kaylee. Eventually I think the dog will have
to lay down the law and teach it some manners, no? Now, each of
my 3 kids will have to spend much time on your site before I
decide that this little one will stay here... Regina
Dear Regina,
What a wonderful story!! I do sure that Boo and Kaylee can stay
together and become long time friends. Simba