Cat & Kitten Dental Care![]() Dental hygiene is essential to maintaining health in cats. Learn why tartar and bacteria are dangerous to cats and learn how to practice cat dental care.
Kitten Tartar, Gingivitis
Hi Simba,
I did not think I could be any better of a mommy to my two cats, but I am feeling guilty...I took my 8-year-old male cat into the vet for a swollen lip on Saturday. A few weeks earlier, I had noticed that some of his teeth had quite a bit of tartar & plaque build-up and were browning at the base near the gums. I mistakenly thought that giving your cats dry food(#Commissions Earned) & tartar control treats was sufficient to take care of their teeth..I was wrong... After this afternoon, I will be bringing my "baby" home from the vet with 5 less teeth! What I thought was going to be a simple cleaning turned into something much more complicated. I cannot feel any worse about this -- I feel guilty for not taking care of him. He was not in pain…I did not have any blatant signs. However, had I had been more observant I may have been able to prevent this. I will have to look at my beautiful large white cat (15 pounds!) for the rest of his days with 5 less teeth knowing it was my fault that he had to go through this. Please tell your readers how important dental health is so no one else has to feel as bad as Alex (my cat) or I do. Sincerely, Zandercat Dear Zendercat - Thanks for the important note! Regular dental care including teeth cleaning at the vet is VERY important. Here is some additional background on all begins with tartar:
SENTRY Petrodex Dental Kit for Cats, Malt Toothpaste, 2.5 oz(#Commissions Earned) Preventive care is the best care. - Simba Helping a Kitten With Bad BreathDear Simba,
My kitten, Karma, is approx. 3-months-old and is a typical kitten
but also very bright and loving. The problem is that she seems to
have very bad breath! Is this common or should I be
concerned..... Listerine Kitty's Mom
Dear Listerine Kitty's Mom, Some bad breath is normal during the teething period in kittens. In older cats the most common causes of bad breath are dental plaque, tartar-induced gingivitis, and inflamed teeth. Check to see if Karma has any sores or inflammation in her mouth. Dental problems are very serious and can cause all sorts of ailments. Other causes of bad breath may include nasal infections (see The Cat Flu), feline acne among others. It is also possible that kitty may have some metabolic problems like kidney disease or diseases of the stomach which lead to chronic vomiting and the accompanying bad breath. Your best bet is to begin with a dental care program, which includes brushing of his teeth (click here for tips on how to do this). Check with your vet if you do not see an improvement. Simba SENTRY Petrodex Dental Kit for Cats, Malt Toothpaste, 2.5 oz(#Commissions Earned) How to Brush Kitten's TeethHi
Here are some tips to help you brush your cat's teeth. First some background. Adult cats have 30 teeth, these are comprised of 12 incisors, 4 canines, 10 premolars and 4 molars. Cats teeth were made to tear into raw meat. This chopping of food cleansed the teeth. Because domestic cats usually eat commercially
prepared foods, most never have the opportunity to slice up
large, tough food objects. As a result their teeth suffer from
the accumulation of tartar. The steps involved in getting your
cat to accept tooth brushing are similar to the gradual process
involved in introducing nail clipping. Here is how you can
Helping a Kitten with Injured GumsDear Simba, I rescued a 9-week-old that appeared to be healthy except
for some type of injury to his front bottom gum area. He eats
well and acts fine. Is there something I should do to speed up
the healing process? It does not appear to bother him. I am not
in a position to take him to the vet. Susan
Hi Susan, Soft or softer food might help by reducing the stress on the gums, until you are able to get him the medical attention he needs (remember also that he needs his shots, so maybe you can plan to do this all at once). Simba Kitten with Loose ToothDear Simba,
My name is Kanga, I am a 5-month-old gray tabby. I have a loose tooth and I was wondering if I should tell my mommy, 'cause I do not want her to be concerned if it is not a problem. :-) Kanga, the kitten Dear Kanga, Kittens usually lose their baby teeth at 2 to 4 months of age. The new, permanent teeth begin to grow in around then and whole process is complete at 5 to 6 months of age. The loose tooth is perfectly normal. I would nonetheless encourage you to have mommy to take you to regular dental checkups. Remind her also to brush your teeth when they grow in. - Your Pal, Simba Kitten Teething
Hi Simba,
My two kittens are teething. They frequently try to chew on my
fingers, toes, ears, and nose. Is there anything I can do to help
them…and me? Connie
Dear Connie, Teething helps kitties relieve the discomfort of the tooth coming in through the gums. A couple of tips:
SENTRY Petrodex Dental Kit for Cats, Malt Toothpaste, 2.5 oz(#Commissions Earned) Kitten With Clicking Jaw
I have a kitten who is about 8-weeks-old. When he opens his mouth big to yawn or eat, his jaw clicks. It does not seem to hurt him, but I am concerned. What could this be? Scott Dear Scott, Congratulations on your new kitten. As to his jaw, it could be nothing. At the same time it is possible your kitten may have TMJ disorder (TMJ stands for Temporo Mandibular Joint). The disorder occurs when the muscles that are used for chewing do not work in combination with the joints of the jaw due to a variety of factors including misaligned teeth. Symptoms of TMJ may include some of the following::
All contents are intended for entertainment purposes only. Pet owners should in no way use this site's content as a substitute for the opinions of a veterinarian or other qualified pet health provider. Owners should consult a veterinarian or other qualified pet health provider for all pet health matters. All pet care is the responsibility of the owner. Note, as an Amazon Associate, earns commission from qualifying purchases.