
Eye and Vision Problems in Cats & Kittens
Cat with Watery Eyes
Dear Simba,
We recently adopted a 14-week-old kitten, Aggie, from the Humane Society.
She has been treated for ear mites, fleas and a watery eye problem that was accompanied by swollen cheeks right below the eyes. The vet told us her eye-gook was not a cold, that it was more like pink eye. I have recently noticed that the place she urinates from has some cloudy mucous discharge, just like what might come out of her nose. What could it be? Thanks! Kristin, Aggie
P.S. Aggie has shown no other signs of urinary tract problems, she
eats, plays, sleeps, grows and cuddles lustily. K&A
Dear Kristin & Aggie,
Looks like Aggie is in good hands! Given what you've
described there is a good chance her 'pinkeye' is
actually conjunctivitis, which often results from chlamydia
(Click at the link for the Chlamydia section).
One thing to consider if Aggie has nasal or eye discharge is that
the mucus discharge may originate in her nose and simply
drips down when she covers her stools.
As for Urinary Tract
problems, these are present when a cat or kitten has to
strain to urinate, makes frequent attempts to urinate, and
produces little, if any, urine. To the extent that Aggie does not
display these symptoms she may be in the clear of Urinary Tract Disease. At the same
time, I would be concerned if the mucus comes not from urine but
from feces. If the latter is true, there may be inflammatory bowel disease present.
Monitor the bowel disease by watching out for tarry stools and
other digestive problems and if you observe any of these symptoms
or the urinary tract disease's symptoms, take Aggie to the
vet. Simba
Hello, Our cat is 6-month-old and he has
'watery' eyes and a crusty nose that is always dry and
warm. He also has trouble
breathing, like he has to try twice as hard to get a full
breath. One more thing, he snores is this normal? He does not
seem to be to affected by this (he is very frisky) we would just
like to know if this is cause for alarm? Chandra &
Dear Chandra & David,
It is important that you take your little guy to the vet since he
may be suffering from a variety of ailments, though most likely
this is the cat flu (do not
worry the flu though serious is not usually life
threatening!). However, given what you have described
bronchitis, asthma
and/or other conditions cannot be ruled out. As for the snoring,
in it of itself it is no problem. Let me know how things go.
Eye Problems in Persians
I acquired 2 Persian kittens recently, they are 20-weeks-old. Is
it normal for their eyes to be weeping? The discharge from the
eyes is a kind of brown color, their eyes seem to water a lot
also. We need to wipe their eyes 3 to 4 times a day. Could this
be related to teething? Is this normal with the breed? Apart from
this, they are very healthy and do not exhibit symptoms of the
Cat Flu or anything else. Steven
Dear Steven S,
Because of their flat faces and the shape of their heads
Persians often experience eye drainage and sometimes develop
respiratory problems. The drainage you describe (especially
after having ruled out Chlamydia) is
an annoyance and not usually indicative of health problems. As
the kittens grow they may learn to better clean themselves, but
in the meantime they will need your help in keeping their eyes
clean. Keep me posted. Simba
Cat's Eye Focus Problems
Dear Simba,
I adopted a toothless kitten 2 weeks ago (his teeth are now appearing). He has no
problem feeding from the bottle and he is sleeping well (and he
is very "regular"). I think he is adapted well to his
new home, but I wonder about his eyes.
His eyes seem to be pointed slightly outwards, although they seem
to be getting better (focused straight ahead). Is this typical? I
have noticed that he seems to take an interest in various items
on the floor and he often play fights with them. But he does not
seem to focus on items that would normally attract a kitten (such
as a "twitching" blade of grass or a ball on a string).
Will he develop a focus as he grows older? Novice
Dear Novice,
I am glad that your new friend is adapting well. Your
kitten's eye focus resembles Strabismus, which describes the
abnormal positioning of the eyes. The abnormal positioning can
affect one or both eyes and can occur in such a way that the
kitten's eyes focus away from, or towards the nose. This
can be caused by genetics, injury or by vestibular system
- Genetics
When caused by genetics it is usually more of a
cosmetic problem. What happens is that one of the muscles in your
kitten's eyes is longer/shorter or weaker/stronger than the
other. This causes the eyeball to focus in odd directions. It is
possible that as your kitten grows the offending eye muscle may
strengthen and will in the process alleviate the
- Injury
For obvious reasons, this affects older and outside
cats more than it does recently born kittens. Strabismus occurs
when the nerves affecting the eye muscles are injured, which can
then cause problems in the focus and movement of the eyes. Again,
the cat may heal on his own.
- Vestibular System Problems
The vestibular system refers to the parts of the
inner ear, nerves and brain that help maintain balance. A problem
here can cause nausea, walking and coordination problems along
with poor vision. Possible causes include tumors, aneurysms among
So what to do? If the problem is hereditary or due to injury,
anti-inflammatory medications may be helpful. That is unless the
kitten is getting better on its own. Best thing to do is
monitor the overall condition of the kitten, which
includes his ambulatory development, energy level as well as his
interest in items that normally attract kittens (as you rightly
mentioned). If your observation leads you to suspect neurological
problems, a vet visit is in order. Keep me posted. Simba
Cat's Second Eye Lid
Dear Simba,
Two of the stray cats I have been feeding have recently developed
a prominent second eyelid covering both their eyes, they are
losing weight, and it appears they have had intestinal problems.
What does it mean when a cat has this second eyelid covering a
portion of their eyes? Dyan
Dear Dyan,
It appears that you are describing the 3rd eyelid, which is a
protective lid that has tear ducts and produces the film needed
to keep the eyes moist.
It is common for some cats to have this lid visible and cover 1/3
to 1/2 of the eye, with the eye appearing to be sunken into the
socket. This condition is called Horner's
Syndrome and it occurs due to an injury to nerves serving the
eye. This syndrome also occurs in cats that have feline leukemia and many other illnesses. It is
important that these cats receive medical care. Your local
shelter may provide some health services to stray cats. In the
meantime, keep them well fed and hydrated. Keep me posted.
I took one to the vet. They tested his blood and it came out
negative for Leukemia. The doctor thought he and the other cat
might have serious parasite infestation (the eyelid covering is
apparently an indication of that) and so I was sent home with
some strong doses to be repeated in 10 days. If that does not do
the trick, I was told that kidney or liver failure is a
possibility. Time will tell and I am keeping an eye on both these
guys. Thanks for your help and keep up the good work! Dyan ----
Thanks for the update. I hope they get well. Simba
Horner's Syndrome
Dear Simba,
I picked up a stray cat in July. In August she had 5 adorable
kittens. They all seem to be fine but for one. The last born took
nearly a week to open his eyes up and when he did they came out
to be sunken and smaller than those of his 5 siblings. His depth
perception is not good and he tends to run / jump into things.
Interestingly enough, his hearing is really good and he is always
twitching his ears as if he hears more things.
I thought the small eyes might mean he has Horner’s
Syndrome but it has not yet gone away. I asked my vet about this
and he does not think much of it, just that he has
“small eyes”. Should I get a second opinion? I am
very attached to him and would feel horrible if something happens
to him. Thank you, Worried Mom
Dear Worried Mom,
So sorry to hear of the kitten's eye problems. A second
opinion might help relieve your worries and perhaps provide some
treatment options. You may even have to go to a veterinary
ophthalmologist or neurologist to get a definite diagnosis.
However, in pursing this route you may soon find yourself
spending a lot of money without finding anything to treat. It is
your decision to make and you must remember that you have other
animals to take care of also. Below is a quick write up of
Horner's Syndrome:
Horner's Syndrome:
Caused by sympathetic nerve damage to the eye. Symptoms include
sunken in eye (enophthalmia) with a small pupil (miosis), a
droopy upper eyelid (ptosis) and a very prominent third eyelid.
Horner's is some times related to anything from tumors and
neck / spinal cord injuries that put pressure on the nerve, to
middle ear infections or immune system problems among other
causes. Horner's Syndrome will sometimes come and go without
an identifiable cause, though it can also persist.
The important thing is that all things considered he appears to
be doing ok. Keep me posted. Your Pal, Simba
Uneven Pupils
Hi Simba
my cat is shy so I am writing. My cat's left eye does not go
the same size as her other eye when the light and dark thing
happens (what i mean is when it is dark the right pupil gets
small and when it is light her right pupil gets bigger). We are
absolutely desperate and we cannot afford a vet check this month
and i feel like a horrible owner that i cannot get her to the vet
because money is tight this time of year. please tell me what to
do and if possible what is wrong with her? Love life and laughter
You are not a horrible owner, you care for your kitties and that
makes you a good person.
There are a couple of causes for what you have described. One is
Uveitis, an inflammation of the eye. It can cause the
pupil in the affected eye to be smaller. Medical treatment of
Uveitis must be aggressive to prevent glaucoma, the scarring of
the structures inside the eye and possible blindness. Another
cause is Horner's Syndrome. This is a
neurological disorder that makes the pupil of the affected eye
smaller. Feline leukemia can also
cause a difference in size of the pupils. Watch out also for
Toxoplasmosis. This parasitic protozoa can affect the eyes and
the central nervous system and can produce inflammation of the
retina, abnormal pupil size (and even blindness, poor
coordination, personality changes, circling, head pressing, ear
twitching, seizures, difficulty in chewing and swallowing food,
seizures, and loss of control over urination and defecation
functions, etc..).
Your best bet is to go to a vet and have your kitty checked out,
even if the money is tight. Hopefully, kitty has had all of her
shots, however, you need to make sure she is tested for Feline
leukemia. Keep me posted. Simba
Kitten's Eyes, Once Open, Now Closed
Dear Simba,
I have 4, 16-day-old kittens, and their mother, but one of my
kittens never opened it is left eye. And just this evening, I
noticed that another kitten, whose eyes were open before, had one
of its eyes closed. I was thinking it might be an infection,
should I apply boric acid? ~Concerned
Dear Concerned,
I would recommend against your applying any boric acid to the
kittens, as you could risk blindness. If you would like to clean
their eyes, consider using a cotton ball, moistened with saline.
With it, cleanse the outside of the eyelid very gently. Do not
penetrate the eye or go behind the eye lid.
What you describe could be an infection, although only a vet can
make the call. A visit may be worthwhile. Simba