Selecting the Perfect Kitten
Hi Simba,
I am looking for a new kitten. My vet will help me out she says. My vet any her team are the best there is. Do you have any advice on picking out a healthy kitten? Keep up the good work Simba (but do not forget to play!) Julie Dear Julie, I have put together some tips to help you in your search. Tidbits - Did you know that…
Tips - Your kitten should…
Choosing a Pure Breed vs. Mixed Breed Kitten
Hi Simba,
I am thinking of getting a kitten and I have a couple of questions. Any difference in getting a pure-breed kitten versus a mixed-breed kitten? I want a kitten that will be friendly and follow me around. I know pure breeds tend to have the same types of personality. Also is there a big difference between adopting a 6-week-old kitten versus a 14-week-old kitten in the bonding I could have with him/her? Prospective Parent Dear Prospective Parent, How wonderful you are considering getting a kitten! Many factors will influence how you and a kitten will get along, including the kitten's age, the type of rearing the kitten has had so far, the breed, its health and whether or not you have allergies. All things being equal a younger kitten will form closer bond. However, the quality of rearing has a big impact as well. A cat that has been raised and cared for by people and/or has lived with its mother for 6-8 weeks will be better adjusted and may be more friendly than one that has lived outside all of its short life. Breeds are known for their personalities. Since you are looking for an affectionate cat, a Persian or an Abyssinian may do it. These breeds are very affectionate. You can expect the cat to follow you from room to room and purr when with you. Note that cats of these breeds do require a lot of attention and can become depressed if you do not pay attention to them…you may want to consider getting 2 of them so they can keep each other company during the day. Health is very important. Be sure you choose a kitten that is energetic and playful, since these are more sociable. Check out the tips below for additional information. Also, visit HomeoAnimal for interesting articles on pet adoption. Keep me posted. Simba Convincing Mom & Dad About Getting a New Cat
I really want a kitten, but I already
have a dog. I need to convince my parents to let me get a cat. I
need know how I can train it to do its thing in the litter box
only, not to scratch furniture, and to get along with my dog. I
guess I need to teach my dog to get along with it too. Can you
please tell me how I can convince my parents?! Katie
Dear Katie, How very wonderful you are considering getting a kitten! Check out the Litter Training section for litter training kittens, Claws for controlling scratching and Kevin’s note for introducing cats & dogs. Best of luck. Simba Cat Life Spans
I just lost my cat Gizmo. I had him since I was 6; I am now 14. He died from a urinary tract infection. His kidneys failed while he was at the vet's. It came so suddenly though. He was just fine one day and the next day he was sick. I miss him a lot. I am thinking about getting another cat but I do not know if I should get a pedigree cat or a mixed breed. Gizmo was a Persian and died at 8-years-old. I heard that mixed breed cats live longer. Is that true? Heather Dear Heather, So sorry to hear of your loss. Seems like Gizmo was a very dear and loved kitty. My heart goes out to you. While breeds impact cat behavior, I am not aware that breeds alone can significantly affect life span. The following will help keep your cat healthy for the long term:
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